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How to Find Water Leaks In Your Home

When it comes to finding water leaks in a homes plumbing system, unless the water leak is visible to the naked eye, specialized equipment is typically necessary to pinpoint it’s location. Short of spending tens of thousands of dollars on high powered listening devices, hiring a local leak detection company is the only option. However, […]

Beware! Not All Leak Plumbers Are Leak Detectors

When it comes to plumbing leaks, most homeowners’ first reaction is to go online and search for a local plumber. Plumbers are skilled at plumbing after all. It just makes sense. What would come as a surprise to most home and busines owners across the Greater Dallas Fort-Worth area is that most plumbing companies do […]

How To Find Hidden Plumbing Leaks

How To Find Hidden Plumbing Leaks Leaks are trouble for home and business owners alike. There are no two ways about it. Increasingly high water bills, compromised foundations, damaged walls & ceilings, the list of ways in which water leaks can damage a property is a long one. When leaks are obvious, meaning you can […]

Rusty Water Flowing From Your Taps? Find The Source ASAP!

If the water in your home is normally clean, crisp, & clear a sudden shift in taste or appearance might come across as quite the surprise. When this happens, a common culprit is rust that is finding it’s way into your homes fresh water lines. Amongst the most common causes are damaged pipes that have […]

Plumbing Leak Detection Service: FAQ

As one of the most highly recommended, referred, & reviewed companies providing leak detection in the Dallas area, Metroplex Leak & Line Locators fields many phone calls from concerned homeowners about locating & repairing plumbing leaks. While some homeowners may experience obvious leaks like those caused by burst pipes, or a failing hot water heater […]

High Water Bill Shows Potential Plumbing Leak

Imagine if you will that it is just another ordinary day in Dallas. You’ve just arrived home a long day at work, you walk outside to the mailbox and grab your mail. You walk back inside and begin going through the assortment of advertisements, junk, & bills, and you come across your water bill for […]

4 Reasons To Fix That Slab Leak Today!

Whenever a leak is present in a pipe that is located under your homes foundation, it is called a slab leak. Slab leaks are primarily caused by shifting soil that leads to movement in plumbing pipes. The major problems presented with slab leaks are their hidden nature and difficulty to access. If left unrepaired slab […]

Dealing With Water Leaks 101

When we go out to a home to fix a plumbing leak the number one issue we see is homeowners have let leaks go without repair for far too long. Typically homeowners see leaks as the source of annoying sounds or inconvenient pools of water that need cleaning.  We find that the very real threats […]

Techniques & Tools Used to Locate Plumbing Leaks

When a leak occurs in a single or multiple pipes running under a home’s “slab” or cement foundation, it is referred to as a slab leak. Slab leaks are very difficult for homeowners to discover and nearly impossible to pinpoint at their precise location due to the hidden nature of the leaks. Specialized equipment and […]

A Look at How & Why Water Leaks Occur

Discovering a leak in your home’s plumbing is not the best way to start your day. Plumbing leaks can pop up in many places throughout your home. Often times they occur in areas that are concealed like under flooring or inside walls. Having a leak located and repaired quickly can save you thousands of dollars […]