
How To Extend The Life Of Your Water Heater

Your home’s water heater is very much the unsung hero of your home. You never really think about how you are getting hot water, other than you open a faucet, and there it is. But on that one day that you turn on the shower or faucet and have no hot water, you begin to […]

How To Reduce High Water Bills

There are many reasons that your water bill could be legitimately increasing. But several things could be slowly causing it to rise, which are unnecessary but are going unnoticed around your home. Sure the cost of everything increases over time. But don’t let yourself be fooled into believing that your ever-growing water bill is just […]

The Warning Signs Of A Slab Leak Under Your Home

Water leaks in your home are always very concerning. But they are inevitable because everything wears out eventually, even your plumbing pipes. But when that leak is concealed under the concrete foundation of your slab home, the issue is far more severe. And the biggest reason for this added level of worry is that slab […]

Tips From A Pro On How To Snake A Drain

When you discover a clogged drain in your home, it can certainly ruin your day. You don’t want to spend the money on a plumber, but you know that the problem needs to be corrected while it is still small and not threatening thousands of dollars in water damage to your home. So you ditch […]

Tips To Conserve Water In The Bathroom

In many parts of the country, water restrictions are in place due to drought conditions. So saving a little bit of water around the house is a great way to conserve this much-needed natural resource. And then there is the more selfish motivation. Every drop of water that you save represents savings on your water […]

Signs Of An Impending Sewer Line Issue

Many homeowners are unaware that they even have a sewer line. Most believe that there are drain lines but would never imagine that they also own a sewer line at their property. We have come to associate the term sewer line with a pipe owned by the city or municipality. And we assume it is […]

The Value Of Regular Camera Inspections Of Your Homes Plumbing

Most homeowners never think about all of the potential issues that can occur thanks to old or damaged plumbing lines in the home. But as soon as there is a leak, loss of water pressure, or a clog, the images of massive water damage and huge repair bills flood their minds. What makes it hard […]

Tips From A Pro To Help Locate Potentially Costly Water Leaks

When you see a puddle of water under your kitchen sink or on the floor, you can be relatively sure that you have a water leak in your home. But not all water leaks are as easy to locate. Fortunately, there are several tips and tricks that plumbers have used for years to determine if […]

DIY Drain Cleaning: Friend Or Foe?

Everyone has had the experience of turning on a faucet only to see that the sink or tub drain is starting to back up. You stare in disbelief and wonder how you can correct this issue without calling in a plumber. Then you recall seeing that commercial for the miracle clog remover. Just a jug […]

Everything You Need To Know About Water Quality

Living in the United States, it is very easy to take things like pure, safe drinking water for granted. In most communities, you turn on the faucet and have access to an almost endless supply of healthy water. But many homeowners don’t understand that some water contaminants might be coming from their home’s water lines. […]