3 Common Plumbing Problems And How To Avoid Them
As a homeowner , it can feel like your work never ends. Between cleaning and regular maintenance, the chores can add up, and unfortunately, sometimes fall through the cracks. However, it is crucial to understand that your home’s plumbing system will cause you many headaches and have some expensive repair bills without the proper care. […]
How To Improve Your Water Heater’s Energy Efficiency
Mostly everyone will agree that their home can’t function without hot water. But as energy costs continue to rise, homeowners are looking for ways to save money without giving up creature comforts like long hot showers and comfortable climate control. However, most people don’t know that their water heaters are the second leading energy consumer […]
There Is Never A Good Time To Have No Hot Water
Most homeowners will admit that they give little thought to their home’s water heater. As long as the hot water comes rushing out of the faucet or showerhead, they are content to let it do its thing without a care in the world. However, on that annoying day when you are forced to endure a […]
3 Important Water Heater Maintenance Tips
When asked to list all the appliances in your home, the list is sure to be long. However, there is one item that most homeowners forget exists until it is no longer functioning. That often overlooked piece of equipment is your home’s water heater. It is the only appliance to provide warm water for an […]
Could My Water Heater Explode?
Every plumber is familiar with the panicked voice of a customer who thinks that their water heater is about to explode. But in almost every case, the issue is something far less volatile and worrisome. The panic started when the homeowner noticed a crackling or popping sound coming from the water heater. They assumed that […]
Are Bath Bombs Safe For My Drains?
Many ladies out there swear that the only way to recover from a long, stress-filled day is to settle into a long hot bath and soak in the calming aroma of a bath bomb. But there are always concerns that the same bath bomb that is ultra-relaxing is also a slow death for your home’s […]
Tips To Unclog Your Toilet Without A Plunger
Most households have a plunger. But it could be such a rarely needed item that you one day decide to toss out that old nasty thing. Sure, you plan on buying a replacement, but it slips your mind until that moment when your toilet is about to overflow. Then you alternate between panic and self-ridiculing […]
What You Get For Your Money Spent On Plumbing Replacement
One of the most essential systems in every home in Mesquite is also one that is often overlooked or taken for granted. But envision your home with no running water or flushing toilets, and you quickly see the value in your home’s plumbing. Without these critical functions, you would soon categorize your home as uninhabitable. […]
The Truth About Drain Cleaners
When you notice a drain in your Mesquite home that is cleaning more slowly than expected, your first thought might be to get some drain cleaner at the grocery store. You know that ignoring the issue will not make it go away. And a $10 jug of drain cleaner sounds like a great solution to […]
Avoid These Awful DIY Plumbing Repairs At All Cost
When you discover a plumbing leak in your Mesquite house, it can be tempting to take matters into your own hands and try what looks like a simple DIY repair. After all, many products claim to be cost-effective and easy to use to stop any water leak or even remove the most challenging drain clogs. […]